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You can use sonar domestic oil press machines to get oil out of different kinds of seeds and nuts. The end product is extracted for a variety of things, including cosmetics, lubrication, and cooking. These products assist in pressing animal products and crushing oilseeds to produce edible oil. The most recent technology available in these factories allows them to efficiently grind any oilseeds and squeeze the animal products to produce the greatest oil, which is then used by various consumers. Sonar domestic oil press machines provide the benefit of having natural, organic and pure oil.
Product Image (2 HP )

Wood Press Kachi Ghani oil Machine

Price: 175000 INR/Piece

Wood Press Kachi Ghani Oil Machine 2 HP with 8-10 kg capacity

Product Image (5 Plate)

oil Filter Machine 5 Plate

Price: 55000 INR/Piece

Oil Filter Machine 5 Plate and 200 watt Motor.

Product Image (SA-2019)

Commercial Cold Press Oil Machine SA-2019

Price: 249500.0 INR/Piece

SA 2019 oil machine is used to extract oil from the seeds of mustard, almond and other seeds.

Product Image (SA-2006)

Commercial Cold Press Oil Machine SA 2006

Price: 118000.0 INR/Piece

2000 Watt Motor 18-20 Kg/hr Capacity Weight -75 Kg